
Talal Abu ghazaleh Articles

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Talal Abu-Ghazaleh electronic Encyclopedia (Tagepedia)


Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Arabic digital Encyclopedia - is the first system of its kind on the Internet to allow the availability of verified and documented Arabic content, covering a variety of areas including science, literature, economy, arts , sports, culture, knowledge-based fields, business and professional services, intellectual property rights, media, accounting, financial administration, consulting services, translation, law, banking activities, and vocational training, as well as information technology consultancies, and any other relevant fields in the area of scientific and professional knowledge.

The encyclopedia engine was developed by E-Solutions experts at Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Information Technology International.

Tagepedia aims to become a comprehensive knowledge reference for digital content in Arabic language available for internet users and specialists interested in all aspects of knowledge in Arabic. Its content has been classified into four main fields which are: the General Knowledge, personalities, historical events, and the world regions. Tagepedia welcomes the participation of scientists, literary people, experts, advisors, and specialists to enrich the Arabic knowledge content on the internet and improve its quality and accuracy while protecting the copyrights of the original author and other affiliated rights.

Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization/TAG-Org has worked on this project for five years, and has assigned for this purpose three specialist technical teams as follows: the first team being responsible for searching for the proper information, while the second responsible for examining and verifying the accuracy of each information entry and for the detection of the reliability of its source, and the third responsible for examining the usefulness of the entry to ensure it is not offensive or harmful. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization/TAG-org shall ensure the sustainability of this encyclopedia and shall continue to enrich it incessantly.

We are pleased to announce that we have so far verified, edited and posted in Tagepedia one million and two hundred thousand entries in the Arabic language, and once launched, the Arabic content on the Internet will rank in the fifth place instead of the thirteenth where it stands at present.

Compared to Wikipedia which currently contains 372 thousand entries that are NOT verified, and contrary to Wikipedia where entries can be posted by everyone, Tagepedia is open for free use by the public at large and information items cannot be posted unless subjected to examination, verification and approval because it is a knowledge encyclopedia.