
Talal Abu ghazaleh Articles

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  • article 2
  • article 3

Terms of use

TAGEPEDIA runs this website and permits its use according to the following terms and conditions:

1. Using this website means your acceptance of thesfe conditions. If you do not accept them in full, your entry to this site will be considered unauthorized and you will have to stop using the site immediately.

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4. All brands names, (TAGEPEDIA Trademarks) and all trademarks used in this website are trademarks registered and protected according to the Jordanian laws and the laws of other countries. You agree not to display or use in any manner any of the TAGEPEDIA Trademarks without TAGEPEDIA prior written approval.

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10. TAGEPEDIA in its capacity as the owner of this site shall have the right at any time without any notice to stop the full or partial operation of the site whether permanently or provisionally. This cease or suspension shall not produce any rights to others and no one can sue TAGEPEDIA for any kind of contractual or personal liability.

11. TAGEPEDIA may terminate this Agreement and your use of the Service. Moreover, TAGEPEDIA may modify, amend and change the conditions of this Agreement at anytime and without any notice in its sole discretion. In this situation, we advise you to keep visiting TAGEPEDIA website from time to time to be familiar with any changes that may take place in the future in relation to this Agreement.

12. This Agreement, your performance under it, and any disputes arising under it shall be governed exclusively by the laws of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. You expressly consent to the exclusive forum, jurisdiction, and venue of the courts of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in any and all actions, disputes, or controversies relating to this Agreement.